Arrival and Dismissal


  • No cars will be allowed in the bus loop after 8: 15 except those with special car passes for students in our ASD classes 
  • Extended day students are released from the cafeteria at 8: 15. If you arrive after 8: 15 you will need to use the car loop.
  • Cars in the car loop are double stacked in order to keep the traffic flow moving off of Phelps Ave. as much as possible


  • Walkers and biker riders will be dismissed via announcement over the PA system
  • Car riders and Extended Day will be dismissed with the 3:00 pm bell. Please encourage students to go directly to the car area. 
  • All bus riders will report to the cafeteria.

Drop off and pick up procedures require entry from N. Phelps Ave, there is no entry via N. Lakemont Ave between 8:00-9:15 AM and 2:00-3:30 PM (1 :30 on Wednesdays). Please refer to diagram below. 

Arrival / Dismissal Map